"The Primary Medical Certificate is issued by the HSE and certifies that a person is severely disabled and or permanently disabled for the purposes of the Disabled Drivers and Disabled Passengers Regulation 1994"
In this post, I wanted to talk more about the Primary Medical Certificate more importantly what the process is like, what to expect and what to be aware of.
The first step is to apply to your local HSE clinic to request an application form to be sent out to your home. Once you receive the application fill it out the next is to have it stamped and signed by your GP and then send it back * making sure to state if the disabled person will be the driver or the passenger - as this is very important when applying to revenue when you want to purchase a car and have it adapted to suit*.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
The next step is to simply wait for an appointment to be sent out where you will be given a date and time where the PMC officer will have to visit your home and finish the assessment. (In my experience it was over fairly quickly once the lady had seen that my house was made fully accessible for my needs etc - please also note that it may take a little longer for the application process to be completed depending on each individuals case - where an extra step would be to perhaps get a letter from their OT detailing the individuals' disability and why they should be entitled to the PM certificate so that a car can be bought to assist with the disabled persons overall care be it as the Disabled driver or Passenger.
If in some cases your application has been refused you can appeal this decision by contacting the Disabled Drivers Board of Appeal at the following address
Disabled Drivers Board of Appeal
National Rehabilitation Hospital
Roches town Avenue
Dun Laoighaire
Co. Dublin
For more information on the Primary Medical Certificate and the disabled drivers and passengers scheme, you can click the link below.